Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Clay + hardwork + inspiration + talent

These images are for all the clay lovers like me. I always feel some kind of calmness when I touch clay…does anyone out there feels the same? It feels wonderful to touch something so true, so natural. Early humans discovered the useful properties of clay in prehistoric times, and one of the earliest artifacts ever uncovered is a drinking vessel made of sun-dried clay. And till today human hands continue to mould its form, texture and shape till it emerges into such beautiful objects.

Images from Diana Fayt website

These beautiful handmade clay artworks (prefer to call them that instead of objects) are by Diana Fayt who has been selling her work professionally for 13 years. Yes, they are lovely and pricey…I can only dream about owning them. But check out Diana’s blog http://oneblackbird.blogspot.com/ where she explains about the “Sticker shock” reaction that most people suffer on seeing the price tag. She talks about why her work is expensive. Now having taken a hobby course in pottery and making lots of useless, shapeless “objects” and only 1 tiny useful bowl (my “artwork”) I simply have to agree with her. Pottery is a lot of backbreaking work just for one object to emerge successfully. And then to turn them into works of art with such fine detailing...it requires immense amounts of hard work, inspiration and patience.

I don’t know when I will get back to messing with clay but as of now let me just drool on these beautiful artworks :-)

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